Sunday, January 24, 2010

No More!

No More!

Sourse : Ibn-e-Qasim | PKKH Exclusive

The time for a long awaited strategic decision time has finally arrived. Pakistan Military has clearly passed a Loud & Clear statement to Washington “NO MORE!”

According to reports, at a time when serious pressure was mounting on the Pakistani Government on behalf of the US to launch a new offensive in North Waziristan against the stronghold of Pro-Pakistan Taliban, the Armed Forces of Pakistan have rejected any prospect of a military operation in any part of the country. This decision is nothing short of a shock to the US after the attacks at Chapman base and Kabul. This series of events has highlighted the actual battlefield, which seems to be drifting towards Pakistan’s tribal belt , and has been orchestrated by the notorious trio of CIA, Mossad and RAW; ‘the real axis of evil’.

The nefarious Intelligence agencies that have organized and lead the looting and genocide of millions of people in peaceful and poor nations in the name of War on Terror have done so in order to capitalize on the resources that these countries have. These same entities are now in coalition with NATO and the US Forces to neutralize Pakistan’s Army and its nuclear capability, for they know that these Pakistani assets are the ultimate threat to the existence of the apartheid and terrorist state of Israel. The 9/11 attacks in 2001 were the starting point for a sophisticated and long-term war in this region.

A glance at the unfolding of historic achievements in the times of Prophet Muhammad PBUH makes it obvious that these events are extremely relevant to what we see in Pakistan and the world today. It seems that history is on the verge of repeating itself.

When Medina was quickly becoming a threat to the Super Powers of that time, and the wars of Badr and Uhud proved that Muhammad PBUH and his men were a force to be reckoned with, the leaders of Quraish gathered and built a ‘coalition’ of 10000 well equipped men and attacked Medina. It was in fact a combined raid by many of the Arab tribes who wanted to crush the power of Medina. This was the battle of Ahzaab, also called the battle of Khandaq (ditch) as the Muslims dug a ditch around Medina to check the advance of the enemy.

There were many hypocrites among the Muslims who circulated frightening rumors. The Holy Qur’an tells us of the psychological crisis with which the Muslims lived during that period:
Behold! They came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined various (vain) thoughts about Allah! In that situation the believers were tried: They were shaken with a mighty Shock. And behold! The hypocrites and those in whose hearts there is disease (even) say: Allah and His Apostle promised us nothing but delusion! Behold! A party among them said: O people of Yathrib (Medina), you cannot stand (the attack), therefore turn back! And a band of them ask for leave of the Prophet, saying: Truly our houses are bare and exposed though they were not exposed; they intended nothing but to flee.” (33:10-13)

However, the words that were uttered by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the freezing winds of Medina during the Battle of Ahzaab were these:

Oh Allah, We wouldn’t be on the right path if you hadn’t blessed us , we wouldn’t have given charity or prayed either, bestow upon us calmness and make us stead fast when we engage in battle, these people have marched on us with oppression , when they plan to put us in a trial we become defiant and firm.”

The siege entered its 30th day. Despite many attempts the trenches surrounding Medina were not crossed and the enemy’s forces were planning a final destructive advance towards the Pak (Pure) Army of Muhammad SAW in the battle of Ahzaab. A coalition of thousands of Mushrikeen had gathered with their allies, with an intention to wipe out medina once and for all, and neutralize the emerging power within the heart of Arabia.The battle of Ahzaab was a decisive factor for the destiny of Muhammad SAW and Medina.

A reconnaissance mission was sent by the Supreme Commander (Prophet Muhammad SAW) of the Muslim forces which reported that the Quraish, shamed and disgusted at sensing their inevitable defeat, were stretched out and were planning a retreat. Their plans were shattered. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his men, despite being outnumbered by the enemy were turning out to be victorious.The ‘Coalition of the Tribes’ proved to be futile in their efforts to neutralize the Army of Islam. Apart from Divine help, this victory was achieved through tactical maneuvering and intelligence gathering by a brilliant Companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who confused and shook the trust of Jewish tribes of Bani Qurayzah and Mushrikeen.

And in the end a horrific wind blew towards the enemies of Allah and His Army of Mo’mineen, and a squadron of angels descended upon the believers to ensure their victory!
O you who have believed , remember the favor of Allah upon you when armies came to attack you and we sent upon them a wind and armies of angels that you did not see, and Allah always knows what you do” (33:9) Al-Quran.

This victory was very significant for Muslims, who were able to see their destiny after a lot of sacrifices. History is witness to the fact that few years after this decisive battle, the city of Makkah was liberated without fighting. Darkness gave way to the dawn of hope, peace and prosperity for the world, more specifically for the Arabian Peninsula.

While just a few years prior to these amazing events, the Muslims had left their wealth and their homes, their loved ones were slaughtered and they had to leave in the dark of the night, from the heartland of Arabia, and go into the dessert. And here they were, victorious at last, after a short span of almost 10 years. We must never forget that the men and women who so gloriously returned upon Fatah-e-Makkah had done so after crossing a sea of fire and blood. Yet, they had to sacrifice a lot more. However, it was their firm belief in the destiny that had been written for them that kept their devotion towards their mission and their spirits high.

What does this most fascinating chapter in history tell us?

The events of fourteen centuries ago were again repeated in the beginning of the 19th century. The Muslims of the subcontinent once again came under siege for that same centuries-old reason; their belief in the One and True God and their refusal to live as slaves under the British and Hindu raj. After it became apparent that they would be enslaved by a Hindu majority even if the British left India, they had no other option but to fight to preserve their future generations and their unique Muslim identity. Thus, on the Sunnah of the Holy prophet (PBUH), the modern-day state of Medina was established. Millions were slaughtered and made homeless but Pakistan (the Land of the Pure) was destined to be born and so it did.

The world never believed that this Medina-e-Sani would survive. Little did they know that not only will this idea, this Fort of Islam survive, it will also become a nuclear power and shall have one of the finest and most professional Armed Forces in the world to defend its borders. The Mushrikeen of today were once again proven wrong and despite setbacks in 1971, Pakistan still stands strong.

And as they did in the Battle of Ahzaab, once again ‘the coalitions’, amassed against us in 2001. They planned to neutralize the last Fort of Islam. In the battle of Ahzaab, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave his companions two choices; to fight in the streets of Medina or to move out of the city of war and to defend it. The true believers chose to move out of Medina and defend it.

[Enlarge Image]

Similarly, Pakistan had two choices: to fight the gathering armies in the streets of Pakistan or to defend the Fort. And so Pakistan made the same choice as the Muslims of Medina. The battle for Pakistan’s defense started in Helmand, Kandahar, Nooristan and Khost. It has become very clear that NATO and the United States never had anything of interest in the mountains of Afghanistan. They came for our nukes, our missiles, our tanks, our men who were trained to be the soldiers of Islam and this Ummah.

Once again we were threatened to be bombed back to stone age, to be forced into an economic quagmire. Since then, the Muslims of Medina-e-Sani have faced a lot of bloodshed, thousands have lost their lives. But the believers stand firm, and at last things have started to change. Although the conspiracies are severe and our columns have been plagued by traitors, Allah and His Apostle (PBUH) are implementing His plans for this nation. The ‘purification’ has already begun, we are moving ferociously towards our destined victory and once again the ‘coalition of the Tribes’ will be defeated. Insha’Allah.

We now learn through reports in the media that the Zionist agenda is sinking amidst the roar of Takbeer in the mountains of Kabul. The Armies of Angels shall descend, and the storm has started to brew.

The victory in Afghanistan will give peace to the world, and the systems and powers feeding on the blood of innocents will shatter into pieces. Just like the mighty USSR, knelt before the courageous Mujahideen of Afghanistan two decades ago, the modern-day Crusaders will be returned to where they came from, in shame and without honour.

In Pakistan also, the tide is turning. By refusing to wage war against the Pakistan friendly elements in North Waziristan, Pakistan Army has now officially taken a stand against the American dictation of our foreign policy or how we run our country. The traitors in our midst, our so called rulers, will be history soon as they now have nowhere to hide from the cases being built against them. Most importantly, a huge patriotic movement, the likes of which have never been seen after the pre-partition Pakistan Movement, is building in present day Pakistan and there is no stopping this great tsunami.

The time has come for Haq to prevail and Batil to perish. The Caravan of Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is preparing to once again shake the Heavens and the Earth with their courage and their splendor. Tyranny will be abolished, idols will be shattered. Peace and justice for humanity will once again get precedence over material gains and notions of profit and loss.

A new horizon is about to manifest itself, and those who are fortunate enough to have the vision will see this most amazing destiny unfold. The Lashkars are gathering, the time is near and a new chapter in the history of humanity is about to be written. The enemy can hear the roar of Pakistani Lions, for we are ready to embrace this great destiny.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Slap On The Face For ‘Aman Ki Asha’

Another Slap On The Face For ‘Aman Ki Asha’ Apologists


The great ‘Aman Ki Asha’ inspired love affair between Pakistan and India has just been hit by a bus and chances are that it won’t survive. This came as all of the 11 Pakistani cricketers, most of them from the T20 Worldcup winning side last year were kept out of the third edition of the Indian Premiere League including all-rounder Shahid Afridi who was the highest rated player expected to be the most expensive. This is truly astonishing given that Pakistan is the reigning World Twenty20 champion, and their exclusion devalues the entire competition. What a huge loss for cricket and what utter disappointment for millions of fans. Given that the World Champions are not to be seen in action, it is only logical to say that this makes the IPL anything but ‘World Class’.

Despite the great love story being sold to the people of Pakistan and India by their respective media, there is still not enough love in the world that can hide the hypocrisy and two-facedness that has always characterized India’s dealing with her neighbour. This is just the icing on the cake. It is also very interesting to note that despite the violent attacks on Indian nationals on Australian soil, and the threats issued by the militant Hindu extremist outfit Shiv Sena against Australians playing in India, the Indians were more than happy to have a love-in with the Aussies at IPL. One cannot help but think that this says a lot for the Indian national pride and sense of solidarity with their counterparts being humiliated and abused by the Australians.

Given the threats being issued by Hindu fanatics against foreign players visiting India, it is perhaps a really good thing that Pakistani players are not going to be put in a position where their lives might be at risk from extremist elements and religious fanatics. While the great Bollywood soap opera called ‘Aman ki Asha’ meets an unhappy yet predictable ending, Pakistanis must now realize that the only ‘goodwill gestures’ they will ever receive from across the border are; covert terrorism on its land, caskets of Pakistani prisoners tortured to death in Indian jails for overstaying visas, and poorly disguised threats of war.

UPDATE: Shahid Afridi, Captain of Pakistan’s T20 Team has blasted the IPL over today’s debacle, calling it a carefully orchestrated ‘insult’ to the Pakistani nation and vowing never to participate in the competition in future. Shahid Afridi, who led Pakistan to last year’s T20 World Championship in England, was expected to be the most expensive player in today’s bidding before Pakistani players were sensationally snubbed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Elite Us Troops Ready To Combat Pakistani Nuclear Hijacks

Source: pakistankakhudahafiz

The propaganda against Pakistan’s nukes continues. Now that the US/Indian backed terrorists have recieved a kicking by the Pakistan Army, the attention is turning to the so called ‘Extremist elements within the Pakistani security establishment, Army/ISI’.

The US army is training a crack unit to seal off and snatch back Pakistani nuclear weapons in the event that militants, possibly from inside the country’s security apparatus, get their hands on a nuclear device or materials that could make one.

The specialised unit would be charged with recovering the nuclear materials and securing them.

The move follows growing anti-Americanism in Pakistan’s military, a series of attacks on sensitive installations over the past two years, several of which housed nuclear facilities, and rising tension that has seen a series of official complaints by US authorities to Islamabad in the past fortnight.

“What you have in Pakistan is nuclear weapons mixed with the highest density of extremists in the world, so we have a right to be concerned,” said Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a former CIA officer who used to run the US energy department’s intelligence unit. “There have been attacks on army bases which stored nuclear weapons and there have been breaches and infiltrations by terrorists into military facilities.”

Professor Shaun Gregory, director of the Pakistan security research unit at Bradford University, has tracked a number of attempted security breaches since 2007. “The terrorists are at the gates,” he warned.

In a counterterrorism journal, published by America’s West Point military academy, he documented three incidents. The first was an attack in November 2007 at Sargodha in Punjab, where nuclearcapable F-16 jet aircraft are thought to be stationed. The following month a suicide bomber struck at Pakistan’s nuclear airbase at Kamra in Attock district. In August 2008 a group of suicide bombers blew up the gates to a weapons complex at the Wah cantonment in Punjab, believed to be one of Pakistan’s nuclear warhead assembly plants. The attack left 63 people dead.

A further attack followed at Kamra last October. Pakistan denies that the base still has a nuclear role, but Gregory believes it does. A six-man suicide team was arrested in Sargodha last August.

Fears that militants could penetrate a nuclear facility intensified after a brazen attack on army headquarters in Rawalpindi in October when 10 gunmen wearing army uniforms got inside and laid siege for 22 hours. Last month there was an attack on the naval command centre in Islamabad.

Pakistani police said five Americans from Washington who were arrested in Pakistan last month after trying to join the Taliban were carrying a map of Chashma Barrage, a complex in Punjab that includes a nuclear power facility.

The Al-Qaeda leadership has made no secret of its desire to get its hands on weapons for a “nuclear 9/11”.

“I have no doubt they are hell-bent on acquiring this,” said Mowatt-Larssen. “These guys are thinking of nuclear at the highest level and are approaching it in increasingly professional ways.”

Nuclear experts and US officials say the biggest fear is of an inside job amid growing anti-American feeling in Pakistan. Last year 3,021 Pakistanis were killed in terrorist attacks, more than in Afghanistan, yet polls suggest Pakistanis consider the United States to be a greater threat than the Taliban.

“You have 8,000-12,000 [people] in Pakistan with some type of role in nuclear missiles — whether as part of an assembly team or security,” said Gregory. “It’s a very large number and there is a real possibility that among those people are sympathisers of terrorist or jihadist groups who may facilitate some kind of attack.”

Pakistan is thought to possess about 80 nuclear warheads. Although the weapons are well guarded, the fear is that materials or processes to enrich uranium could fall into the wrong hands.

“All it needs is someone in Pakistan within the nuclear establishment and in a position of key access to become radicalised,” said MowattLarssen. “This is not just theoretical. It did happen — Pakistan has had inside problems before.”

Bashir Mahmood, the former head of Pakistan’s plutonium reactor, formed the Islamic charity Ummah Tameer-e-Nau in March 2000 after resigning from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. He was arrested in Islamabad on October 23, 2001, with his associate Abdul Majeed for alleged links to Osama Bin Laden.

Pakistan’s military leadership, which controls the nuclear programme, has always bristled at the suggestion that its nuclear facilities are at risk. The generals insist that storing components in different sites keeps them secure.

US officials refused to speak on the record about American safety plans, well aware of how this would be seen in Islamabad. However, one official admitted that the United States does not know where all of Pakistan’s storage sites are located. “Don’t assume the US knows everything,” he said.

Although Washington has provided $100m worth of technical assistance to Islamabad under its nuclear protection programme, US personnel have been denied access to most Pakistani nuclear sites.

In the past fortnight the US has made unprecedented formal protests to Pakistan’s national security apparatus, warning it about fanning virulent anti-American sentiment in the media.

Concerns about hostility towards America within elements of the Pakistani armed forces first surfaced in 2007. At a meeting of military commanders staged at Kurram, on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, a Pakistani major drew his pistol and shot an American. The incident was hushed up as a gunfight.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Afghan soil being used against Pakistan: Director General ISI'

Source: Dawn News

KARACHI: Director General ISI Ahmad Shuja Pasha said on Tuesday that Afghan soil is being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan, adding that peace cannot be established in Pakistan unless infiltration from Afghan border is stopped.

Pasha's statement came in the backdrop of increased US pressure to launch a parallel operation in North Waziristan.

Briefing the parliamentary committee on national security, the DG said that the drug mafia in Afghanistan is supporting terrorists who are creating unrest within Pakistan.
According to reports, the committee members believe that the Pak-Afghan border should be fenced and movement across the border should be strictly monitored.

The members also called for the need to enhance security along the Pak-Afghan border.
After the meeting, Senator Raza Rabbani the chairman of the Parliamentary committee on national security briefed the media during which he informed that the committee members condemned the screening of Pakistani citizens at US airports, terming it a 'violation of international Human Rights Declarations.' –DawnNews

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where are Pakistan's Democrats

Power hungery shameless dirty doggy natured politicians can never solve our problems and give us honor in the world. "Allah bhi ghattia zaleel or kameeney logo se kaam nahi leta". We should not expect anything good from such dirty and greedy people. We should not forget the system which was not the western given filthy democracy and an era of thousand years in which Allah had given muslims power and honor and we ruled the world. This again is possible only by adopting the same system and not by fraudulant democracy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Case registered against held US consulate employees


Case registered against held US consulate employees

QUETTA: Police have refused to release employees of the US consulate in Karachi till completion of investigation and determining the motive of their visit to Turbat and Gwadar.

The consulate’s deputy security officer Ghulam Gilani, driver Muzaffar Ali Shah and their guard were arrested on Wednesday night when they were travelling in a vehicle with a fake number plate.

Sources said that after initial investigation police allowed them to make a phone call to inform their superiors about their detention. “The three employees are still in police custody for interrogation,” a senior official of the provincial government told Dawn on Friday.

He said the federal government and the Foreign Office had been informed about the case. The sources said that a case had been registered against them under section 468, 471 and 109. They said the excise department had confirmed that the number-plate on the US consulate vehicle was fake.

The sources also said the consulate employees had not taken prior permission from the competent authorities for their visit to Gwadar and Turbat that was required of diplomats and staff of foreign missions for visiting any area in the country.

The sources said that although the employees were Pakistanis, they were working for a foreign mission and travelling in the consulate’s official vehicle with fake number plate.

“Till they clarify the purpose of their visit to Turbat and Gwadar without seeking permission from the authorities concerned they will not be released,” said the official. He said that the employees had not informed even the Foreign Office about the visit.

He said the US consulate had been informed that till the completion of investigation the employees would remain in detention.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

FAKE: Gas load shedding & CNG crises

Source: Haqeeqat.Org

Gas load shedding and CNG crises:

The real issue is not the Gas shortage; in fact these rulers are diverting the people’s attention from the American war

The government has contracted itself to erect one crisis after another. At a critical time, when Pakistan has become a target for the Blackwater mercenaries, ongoing military operations in Waziristan, Orakzai, Bajaur, Mehmand, Malakand and Khyber agencies under the American dictate, Northern Waziristan is handed over to America where she is conducting drone attacks with full impunity and thousands of Muslim families are stranded and are forced to live in the open in this extreme cold weather; the government is creating one crisis after another to divert the attention of Muslims away from the American interference in Pakistan. Hence its “danger to democracy” rhetorical drama that the government trumps up at times while at others she plays havoc with peoples lives through load-shedding of Gas and electricity just to keep people busy in their problems.

As for as this current gas crisis is concerned; it’s nothing but a complete farce. Even now the Sui Southern Gas Company has excess production (Surplus Gas) which is not being used. This should be borne in mind that the CNG sector only use 6% of the total Gas consumption of Pakistan whose requirements are not difficult to fulfill. Currently the government uses 35% of Gas for electricity generation which can easily be substituted with low cost alternatives of Coal, Water and Air which are abundantly available in Pakistan. Pakistan current potential of Hydro electric generation is 50,000 MW, Wind generation 50,000 MW and from coal its several hundreds of thousands Mega Watts, while our need is much less than 20,000 MW.

In fact the real issue is not the Gas shortage; rather it’s another U-Turn by these corrupt and treacherous rulers. It was these rulers who promoted CNG 10 year ago and after 2.5 million cars are converted to it, people invested billion on 3000 CNG stations, hundred of thousands of families bread and butter depend on this sector; now they want to bulldoze all this after receiving “revelation” from IMF. These rulers who themselves burn 500 liters of free petrol in each car each month crave to loot the hard earned income of hundreds of thousands of families.

O Muslims!

These rulers are not your worth; their only desire is to please their foreign masters and fill their pockets. Eject these rulers to establish Khilafah that will not only rescue Ummah from these artificial crises but real crisis that Ummah face today and convert this region into the graveyard of the Americans.